Engineering Education Forums
Bringing together members to share ideas, hear from external presenters, and participate in capacity development activities.
The Engineering Education Transformations Institute in the College of Engineering provides a home for the excitement, diverse discussions, and ongoing initiatives in the area of Engineering Education. We focus on building community and shared capacity around the scholarship of teaching and learning that will allow us to improve our own teaching, innovate in our courses and curricula, and conduct empirical investigations to better understand our students’ experiences.
EETI seeks to transform engineering education through building social capital and shared capacity around the scholarship of teaching and learning in engineering.
We are a community of faculty, staff, engineering education researchers, graduate, and undergraduate students from across the three schools and 15 degree programs in UGA’s College of Engineering brought together by our passion for improving the educational experience of our students.
EETI fuses a vibrant culture and discourse around educational innovation in the College with cutting-edge engineering education research to transform engineering programs, educational practices, and institutional cultures, locally and nationally.
The strength of our efforts, and of our community, is grounded in a shared commitment to celebrating diversity, embracing collaboration as our mode of operating, and valuing individual strengths and interests.
Recent NewsAugust 7, 2024: EETI welcomes Dr. John Aliu to lead its research initiation programs! June 17, 2024: EETI Welcomes Drs. Rachel Figard & James Huff! April 17, 2024: Dr. Paul Olaogun becomes EETI’s 2nd Ph.D. program graduate March 21, 2024: ASEE Southeastern Section 2024 Review October 13, 2023: Join our faculty! EETI hiring for two open-rank tenure-track positions and one professional track position in engineering education. |
The activities and initiatives of EETI members span a broad range of offerings. Explore each of the ways we build community below.