EETI is excited to announce our first annual open house for the Engineering Education & Transformative Practices Ph.D. program! Please join us for our virtual open house on Tuesday, October [Read More]
Archive for the ‘EnEd Research’ Category
EETI Graduate Students Win Three ASEE Best Paper Awards
In a record-breaking year, three UGA graduate students working with EETI won Best Paper Awards as first authors at the 2023 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference! Animesh [Read More]
Dr. John Morelock presents on models of capacity building with Dr. Amy Chan-Hilton
In November 2021, Drs. John Morelock (University of Georgia) and Amy Chan-Hilton (Southern Indiana University) presented on two complementary models of capacity building in STEM higher education during the AAC&U [Read More]
EETI undergraduate researchers publish journal article as lead authors
We would like to congratulate undergraduate researchers Hindo Kamanda and Davis Wilson on the publication of their journal article, The Role of Expectations in the Educational Experience and Professional Socialization [Read More]
Dr. Sochacka discusses empathy work in SEFI seminar on Emotions and Ethics in Engineering Education
Dr. Sochacka was one of three presenters to discuss connections between ethics and emotions in engineering education in an online seminar organized by the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI). [Read More]
Drs. Sochacka and Walther team up with engineering education researchers from Virginia Tech to develop a framework for data sharing in engineering education research
Engineering education research has typically focused on researchers collecting new data, resulting in hundreds of data sets that have significant and as yet untapped potential to be analyzed beyond the [Read More]
Update: Deadline for JCHE Special Issue on “Online Labs and Virtual Experimentation in Higher Education” extended
The Journal of Computing in Higher Education (JCHE) extends the deadline for the special issue on online laboratories and virtual experimentation. Authors are invited to submit original research papers through [Read More]
Dominik May Serves as Guest Editor for JCHE Special Issue on “Online Labs and Virtual Experimentation in Higher Education”
In these unprecedented times, shifting to online learning has been vital for institutions around the world. Though there has been previous experimentation with virtual courses, the global pandemic has made [Read More]
EETI presenting engineering education research at Frontiers in Education Conference
The UGA Engineering Education Transformation Institute displayed three research papers at this year’s FIE conference. Dr. Sochacka and her team Drs. Carnell, Schwab, and Hunsu shared recent research results about [Read More]
EETI Releases Second RAPID Interim Brief
Earlier this semester, EETI released our first interim brief describing preliminary findings from our NSF RAPID project to understand faculty, staff, and student experiences with the COVID-19 crisis and offer [Read More]