June 21, 2022

EETI is excited to welcome Dr. James Warnock as its new interim director! Dr. Warnock will be filling the role formerly held by Dr. Joachim Walther, who left UGA in May 2022 along with Dr. Nicola Sochacka to pursue work in Dr. Sochacka’s home country of Australia. Dr. Warnock is the current school chair of UGA’s School of Chemical, Materials, and Biomedical Engineering. He has been a supporter and member of EETI since its inception, and served on EETI’s internal advisory board prior to accepting this position. Furthermore, he served recently as the interim school chair of the Environmental, Civil, Agricultural, and Mechanical Engineering, making him an ideal candidate to shepherd EETI through a similar transition.
Dr. Warnock graciously accepted this appointment, effective July 1, and we look forward to working with him!