Dr. Sochacka presents keynote address at the UMKC STEM+KC Deconstructed Conference

Dr. Sochacka presents keynote address at the UMKC STEM+KC Deconstructed Conference

On November 19, 2020, Dr. Nicola Sochacka presented the keynote address at the Integrating STEM + KC deconstructed, virtual conference. This NSF-funded event was designed to promote the region’s networked improvement community (NIC) initiative that focuses on increasing postsecondary STEM completion rates in the KC region. In her presentation, Dr. Sochacka described the principles and practices that guide the Engineering Education Transformations Institute at UGA. She discussed the importance of building capacity and community in engineering education, and how that capacity and community helped UGA’s College of Engineering to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The presentation sparked a series of collaborations between faculty at the University of Missouri-Kansas City that focus on diverse STEM recruitment and professional development for STEM faculty.

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