EETI Awarded Grant for Rapid Response Research (RAPID) for Investigating Real-Time Policy-Responses in Times of Crisis

EETI Awarded Grant for Rapid Response Research (RAPID) for Investigating Real-Time Policy-Responses in Times of Crisis

In times of crisis, new challenges arise due to sudden disruptions. Fighting the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, university campuses currently face the suspension of campus activities. College instructors and students alike are adapting to the current situation and transitioning completely to remote instruction. Under unprecedented circumstances and stresses, the nations higher education system has been put to a new test.

Awarded with the RAPID grant by the Division of Engineering Education and Centers at the National Science Foundation, EETI is now investigating how the pandemic has impacted faculty, staff, and students in STEM education, with a particular focus on engineering. The research team will use an online data collection platform, called SenseMaker, to collect short stories from faculty, staff, and students that describe how they are experiencing the COVID-19 crisis and transition to online learning. The data able to be researched now, under these circumstances, will guide the way modes of education develop throughout this crisis and prepare universities for the future.


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