EETI Facilitated ASEE Free Webinar: A Novel Approach to Study and Adapt to the Real-time Impacts of COVID-19 on Engineering Education

EETI Facilitated ASEE Free Webinar: A Novel Approach to Study and Adapt to the Real-time Impacts of COVID-19 on Engineering Education

On May 19 at 1 PM, ET EETI members Nicola Sochacka, John Morelock, Racheida Lewis, and Joachim Walther discuss their research into the ways COVID-19 has impacted faculty, staff, and students at the University of Georgia.

This webinar focuses on the lessons learned from this crises to better understand the most important factors in teaching engineering, and best practices when preparing for the transition to in-person lecture.

The webinar recording and more details on the research project linked below.


This event is partially supported by NSF Award No EEC-1733004 and is offered at no cost to both ASEE members and non-members.

Watch Recording of Webinar (email sign-in required)

View Upcoming and Past ASEE Webinars Here

NSF EEC-RAPID: Using SenseMaker® to Investigate Complex Dynamics in Social Systems to Inform Agile, Real-Time Policy-Responses in Times of Crisis (NSF #2028452)



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