October 7, 2021
In this forum, ASEE Travel Fellow discussed their experiences attending education conferences over summer 2021. Dr. Mark Trudgen spoke on the Bring Your Own Experiement: Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies event. At the conference, he provided a live demo and participated in other labs and collaborated on with other ASEE travel fellows. Then, Victor Oje discussed his experiences and insight he gained on setting up student chapters, diversity, and peer review. Later on, Dr. Kyle Johnsen talked about his general experience on attending and the relevance of Virtual Relative and Augmented Reality and impact on specific disciplines. The forum concluded with Dr. Siddharth Savadatti speaking on Static modelling and experiment kits for hands-on learning and low-cost and portable kits for online learning.
The forum recording was released internally to UGA. If you are interested in watching the recording, please email eeti@uga.edu.