Graduate students play an important role in shaping teaching excellence in the College, especially those in teaching assistant (TA) positions. Accordingly, EETI runs a course each Fall entitled “Preparing to Be an Effective Engineering Educator” to help prepare graduate TAs and other graduate students interested in engineering education prepare to be high-quality teachers. The course is mandatory for all new TAs, and has seats for voluntary participation from other interested graduate students. Using the book How Learning Works by Susan Ambrose and her colleagues, this course focuses on helping TAs learn the science behind learning and how to apply this knowledge to teaching to improve undergraduate experience and success at UGA and beyond.

Course Syllabus – Fall 2020


Student Testimonials

“Students’ inputs are valued & discussions are open – we can all comfortably express our ideas.”

“I like that we talk about diversity and equity.”

“5 and 15 minute micro-teaches are good experiences for the [student] instructor and audience.”

“I like that [the instructor] put the most valuable information to help with our TA roles in the beginning.”

“Everything [we have learned] is useful and interesting.”

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