EETI is committed to continual instructional improvement in the College of Engineering through developing a culture of requesting and reciprocating voluntary mid-semester formative evaluations (MSFEs) for College courses.  To this end, we provide the following resources to introduce instructors to the MSFE process.

Video: Introduction to MSFEs and the MSFE Process

Video: Processing Data from MSFEs

MSFE Observations

Observing others conduct an MSFE (with consent of both the instructor and facilitator) can be a great way to get accustomed to the process. If you would like to participate in an MSFE observation, please send an email to to put in a request.

MSFE Materials

MSFE Google Form Template – A Google Form you can copy for use in your MSFEs.  You must be logged into Google with your UGA Google Account to copy the template as an editor (otherwise you will be notified that the form is closed.)  Please do not edit the template directly.

MSFE Process Guide – A printable guide to the MSFE process, meant to be carried as a reference while conducting an MSFE.  A modified version of a document developed by UGA’s Center for Teaching and Learning.

MSFE Debrief Guide – A printable guide to conducting a debrief meeting on MSFE results with the course instructor.  Document courtesy of UGA’s Center for Teaching and Learning.

MSFE Paper Worksheet – A printable worksheet you can ask students to fill out in lieu of an online form.  Note that paper worksheets often require more work to process the data, as results are spread across multiple sheets of paper rather than a single spreadsheet that an online form can produce.  Document courtesy of UGA’s Center for Teaching and Learning.

A video of an example MSFE debriefing conversation between facilitator and instructor is available to UGA College of Engineering faculty by request.  If you would like a link to this video, please send an email to

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