Hamed Nabizadeh Rafsanjani, Ph.D., P.E., ENV SP


Hamed Rafsanjani (H.R.) joined UGA College of Engineering in 2018. He holds Ph.D. and master’s degrees in Construction Engineering and Management from UNL. Before UGA, H.R. worked for more than five years as an assistant professor and a visiting lecturer in various universities, and won competitive awards such as Best Teacher Award and Best Researcher Award. Collaborating on projects funded by various agencies such as the National Science Foundation, H.R. has developed research in Digital Twin, IoT, and AI systems. He is the director of iSC-LAB and as a part of his research, is currently developing a novel IoT-based platform to garner information from existing IoT infrastructure of educational buildings to identify factors which negatively impact the students’ learning and the instructor’s performance.

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