Nandana Weliweriya, Ph.D.
Lecturer, Physics & Astronomy
Nandana Weliweriya, an educator and researcher with a focus on enhancing instruction through innovative technologies. In my research, I investigate students’ problem-solving processes with representations, examining how they connect and generate different types of representations to solve physics problems. I am particularly interested in studying students’ eye movement patterns and how they engage with representations in VR environments. By combining eye tracking technology with VR, we can provide students with a visual and interactive understanding of abstract physics concepts, fostering a deeper comprehension of the subject.
Currently, I am leading a project to develop an astronomical virtual reality (VR) platform that aims to engage students in immersive learning experiences and improve their problem-solving skills. The VR platform includes modules such as Virtual Night Sky, Eclipses, Tides, and Parallax, which will be tested for their effectiveness in enhancing student understanding. This project has the potential to transform instruction in introductory and upper-division physics courses, as well as in STEM education more broadly.