Taiwo “Raphael” Feyijimi

Graduate Student

Research Interests: Engineering Education applied with Machine/ Deep Learning and AI

Taiwo Feyijimi is a master’s student in the College of Engineering in the school of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Georgia and would be conducting Engineering Education research using Data Mining/Machine Learning techniques for his master’s Thesis under the advisement of Dr. Nathaniel Hunsu. He received his Bachelor’s in Physics Education from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, where he conducted research on the topic: “The Influence of Spatial Ability on Physics Students Learning Outcome in Senior Secondary Schools.” He hopes to transition after his master’s program and be a part of the EETI’s Ph.D. program. Taiwo is a member of ASEE. He is a co-author of a paper recently submitted and accepted into FIE 2022 Conference, and he is also a co-author of a book chapter together with his advisor as the lead author presently under review. Taiwo is deeply interested in pushing the limits of engineering education by applying cutting-edge machine learning/deep learning or AI technologies to solving complex and complicated inter-and-multi-disciplinary STEM challenges in closely related fields of interest. Taiwo is married to an adorable wife, Deborah, with a kid.

Taiwo “Raphael” Feyijimi

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