Guyotte, K., J. Walther, N. N. Kellam,T. Costantino, N. W. Sochacka (2014). ‘All the lovely in-between’: A Narrative Inquiry into Student Lived Experiences in a Transdisciplinary Design Studio. Poster session, The University of Georgia’s College of Education’s Graduate Student & Faculty Research Conference, Athens, GA. (First prize in Qualitative Research Division)

Guyotte, K., J. Walther, N. N. Kellam,T. Costantino, N. W. Sochacka (2014). ‘All the lovely in-between’: A Narrative Inquiry into Student Lived Experiences in a Transdisciplinary Design Studio. Poster session, The University of Georgia’s College of Education’s Graduate Student & Faculty Research Conference, Athens, GA. (First prize in Qualitative Research Division)

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