For the most up-to-date information on publications, please visit EETI’s page at Research Gate.
Aliu, J., Aghimien, D., Aigbavboa, C., Oke, A.E. and Ebekozien, A., (2024) An Employability Skills Model for Built Environment Graduates: A Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling Analysis. International Journal of Construction Education and Research, pp.1-20.
Lönngren, J., Bellocchi, A., Berge, M., BÞgelund, P., Direito, I., Huff, J. L., Mohd-Yusof, K., Murzi, H., Farahwahidah Abdul Rahman, N., & Tormey, R. (2024). Emotions in engineering education: A configurative meta-synthesis systematic review. Journal of Engineering Education. Advance online publication.
Aliu, J., Aghimien, D., Aigbavboa, C., Ebekozien, A., Oke, A.E., Adekunle, S.A., Akinradewo, O. and Akinshipe, O., (2022). Developing emotionally competent engineers for the ever-changing built environment. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management.
Bork, S. J., & Mondisa, J.L. (2022). Engineering Graduate Studentsâ Mental Health: A Scoping Literature Review. Journal of Engineering Education, 111(3), 665-702.
May, D., Morkos, B., Jackson, A., Hunsu, N., Ingalls, A., & Beyette Jr., F. R. (accepted). Rapid Transition of Traditionally Hands-On Labs to Online Instruction in Engineering Courses. European Journal of Engineering Education (EJEE).
Hunsu, N. J., Kehinde, O. J., Oje, A. V., & Yli-Piipari, S. (2022). Single Versus Multiple Resilience Factors: An Investigation of the Dimensionality of the Academic Resilience Scale. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment.
Sochacka, N. W., Walther, J., Rich, J. R., & Brewer, M. A. (2021). A Narrative Analysis of Stories Told about Engineering in the Public Discourse: Implications for Equity and Inclusion in Engineering. Studies in Engineering Education, 2(2), 54â77. DOI:
Morelock, J., Sochacka, N., & Walther, J. (2021). Building Communities of Engineering Faculty, Staff, and Students Engaged in Educational Research: The Approach of UGAâs Engineering Education Transformations Institute. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 20, 131-138
Sochacka, N. W., Delaine, D., Shepard, T., & Walther, J. (2021). Empathy Instruction through the Propagation Paradigm: A synthesis of developer and adopter accounts. Advances in Engineering Education, Spring 2021,
Huff, J. L., Okai, B., Shanachilubwa, K., Sochacka, N. W., & Walther, J. (2021). Unpacking professional shame: Patterns of White male engineering students living in and out of threats to their identities. Journal of Engineering Education, 110(2), 414-436.
Morelock, J. R., Salado, A., Lakeh, A. B., & Richards, T. K. (2021). Demonstrating the elusive outcomes of decision-making, information-seeking, and adaptability: A market simulation game for engineering students. Advances in Engineering Education, 9(1), 1-32.
Edwards, C. D., Lee, W. C., Knight, D. B., Trina, F., Reid, K., & Lewis, R. S. (2021). Outreach at Scale: Developing a Logic Model to Explore the Organizational Components of the Summer Engineering Experience for Kids Program. Advances in Engineering Education, 9(2), 1â28.
Hunsu, N., Oje, A. V., Jackson, A., & Olaogun, O. P. (2021). Examining Approach and Avoidance Valences of the 3 X 2 Achievement Goal Types on an Engineering Student Sample: A Validity Approach. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 628004.
Delaine, D., Desing, R., Wang, L., Dringenberg, E., & Walther, J. (2021). Identifying and disrupting problematic implicit beliefs about engineering held by students in service-learning. International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship, 16(2), 14-38.
Secules, S., Sochacka, N. W., Huff, J. L., & Walther, J. (2021). The social construction of professional shame for undergraduate engineering students. Journal of Engineering Education, 110(4), 861-884.
Huff, J. L., Okai, B., Shanachilubwa, K., Sochacka, N. W., & Walther, J. (2021). Unpacking professional shame: Patterns of White male engineering students live in and out of threats to their identities. Journal of Engineering Education, 110(2), 414-436.
Hunsu, N. J., Carnell, P. H., & Sochacka, N. W. (2021). Resilience theory and research in engineering education: what good can it do?. European Journal of Engineering Education, 46(6), 1026-1042.
May, D. (2020). Cross Reality Spaces in Engineering EducationâOnline Laboratories for Supporting International Student Collaboration in Merging Realities. International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE), 16(03), 4-26.
Walther, J., Brewer, M. A., Sochacka, N. W., & Miller, S. E. (2020). Empathy and engineering formation. Journal of Engineering Education, 109(1), 11-33. doi:10.1002/jee.20301
Sochacka, N. W., Youngblood, K. M., Walther, J., & Miller, S. E. (2020). A qualitative study of how mental models impact engineering studentsâ engagement with empathic communication exercises. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 1-12. doi:10.1080/22054952.2020.1832726
Sochacka, N. W., Delaine, D., Shepard, T., & Walther, J. (in press). Empathy Instruction through the Propagation Paradigm: A synthesis of developer and adopter accounts. Advances in Engineering Education.
Li, R., Morelock, J. R., & May, D. (2020). A Comparative Study of An Online Lab Using Labsland and Zoom during COVID-19. Advances in Engineering Education, 8(4), 1-10.
Morelock, J. R., Sochacka, N. W., Lewis, R. S., Walther, J., Culloty, C. M., Hopkins, J. S., Vedanarayanan, S., Ofunne, C. K. (2020). Using a Novel Research Methodology to Study and Respond to Faculty and Student Experiences with COVID-19 in Real Time. Advances in Engineering Education, 8(4), 1â14. Retrieved from 19 Issue/Text/AEE-COVID-19-Morelock.pdf
Sochacka, N. W., Walther, J., Morelock, J. R., Hunsu, N. J., & Carnell, P. H. (2020). Cultivating a culture of scholarly teaching and learning in a college of engineering: An ecological design approach. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 25(2), 165-176. doi:10.1080/22054952.2020.1864087
Huff, J. L., Walther, J., Sochacka, N. W., Sharbine, M. B., & Kamanda, H. (2020). Coupling Methodological Commitments to Make Sense of Socio-Psychological Experience. Studies in Engineering Education, 1(2), 1. doi:10.21061/see.29
Huff, J. L., Walther, J., Sochacka, N. W., Sharbine, M. B., & Kamanda, H.(2020). Coupling methodological commitments to make sense of socio-psychological experience. Studies in Engineering Education, 1(2), 1-13.
Hunsu, N., Oje, A., Carnell, P., & Sochacka, N. (2020). Examining factorial validity evidence for the academic resilience scale in an engineering learning context. International Journal of Engineering Education
Kamanda, H., Walther, J., Wilson, D., Brewer, M., Sochacka, N., & Huff, J. (2020). The Role of Expectations in the Educational Experience and Professional Socialization of Engineering Students. Journal of Higher Education
Huff, J., Shanachilubwa, K., Sochacka, N., Walther, J., & Okai, B. (2020). Unpacking professional shame: Patterns of White male engineering students living in and out of threats to their identities. Journal of Engineering Education
Sochacka, N. W., Walther, J., Morelock, J. R., Hunsu, N. J., & Carnell, P. H. (2020). Cultivating a culture of scholarly teaching and learning in a college of engineering: An ecological design approach. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 25(2), 165-176.
Delaine, D. A., Cardoso, J. R., & Walther, J. (2019). An Investigation of Inter-Stakeholder Dynamics Supportive of STEM, Community-Based Learning. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION, 35(4), 1094-1109.
Terkowsky, C., Frye, S., & May, D. (2019). Online engineering education for manufacturing technology: Is a remote experiment a suitable tool to teach competences for âWorking 4.0â? European Journal of Education, 54(4), 577-590.
Delaine, D. A., Cardoso, J. R., & Walther, J. (2019). An Investigation of Inter-Stakeholder Dynamics Supportive of STEM, Community-Based Learning. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION, 35(4), 1094-1109.
Huff, J. L., Summerville, A., Sochacka, N. W., & Walther, J. (2019). Emotions in Engineering Formation â Constructing a Research Agenda. Paper presented at the American Association for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Tampa, Fl.
Morelock, J. R., & Walther, J., & Sochacka, N. W. (2019, June), Academic Change from Theory to Practice: Examples from an Engineering Faculty Development Institution. Paper presented at 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Tampa, Florida.
Youngblood, K. M., Sochacka, N. W., Walther, J., & Miller, S. E. (2019, December), How mental models impact studentsâ engagement with empathic communication exercises. Paper presented at 2019 AAEE Annual Conference, Brisbane, Queensland.
May, D., M. Trudgen, Allen. V. Spain (2019). Introducing Remote Laboratory Equipment to Circuits - Concepts, Possibilities, and First Experiences. In proceedings of American Society for Engineering Education's 126th Annual Conference & Exposition "Charged up for the next 125 years"; June 15th-20th, 2019; Tampa, Florida, USA; Paper ID #26436
Odhong, C., Wilkes, A., van Dijk, S., Vorlaufer, M., Ndonga, S., Sing'ora, B., & Kenyanito, L. (2019). Financing large-scale mitigation by smallholder farmers: what roles for public climate finance?. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 3, 3.
Simmons, D. R., Hunsu, N. J., & Adesope, O. O. (2019). Enabling multi-dimensional measurement of student engagement in engineering learning environments. International Journal of Engineering Education, 35(6), 1827-1838.
Sochacka, N. W., Walther, J., & Pawley, A. L. (2018). Ethical Validation: Reframing Research Ethics in Engineering Education Research to Improve Research Quality. Journal of Engineering Education, 107(3), 362-379. doi: doi:10.1002/jee.20222
Sochacka, N. W., Walther, J., & Miller, S. E. (2018). Fostering Empathy in Engineering Education. Scientia, 119, 110-113.
Kellam, N., Gerow, K., Wilson, G., Walther, J., & Cruz, J. (2018). Exploring Emotional Trajectories of Engineering Students: A Narrative Research Approach. International Journal of Engineering Education, 34(6), 1726-1740.
Vanasupa, L., Sochacka N. W., & Streveler, R. (2018). Dynamic interactions of neurological states: Reflections on implications for learning engineering. Murmurations, 1(1), 8-19.
Terkowsky, C., Haertel, T., Rose, A. L., Leisyte, L., & May, D. (2018). Swimming with Sharks without Being Eaten: How Engineering Students can Learn Creativity, Entrepreneurial Thinking and Innovation. In D. Lemaitre (Ed.), Training Engineers for Innovation (pp. 145-176). London, Hoboken: ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons.
Simmons, D. R., Ye, Y., Hunsu, N. J., & Adesope, O. O. (2017). Development of a Survey to Explore Out-of-Class Engagement of Engineering Students. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION, 33(4), 1213-1221.
Morelock, J. R., Lester, M. M., Klopfer, M. D., Jardon, A. M., Mullins, R. D., Nicholas, E. L., & Alfaydi, A. S. (2017). Power, perceptions, and relationships: A model of co-teaching in higher education. College Teaching, 65(4), 182-191. doi: 10.1080/87567555.2017.1336610
Walther, J., Sochacka, N. W., Benson, L. C., Bumbaco, A. E., Kellam, N., Pawley, A. L., & Phillips, C. M. L. (2017). Qualitative research quality: A collaborative inquiry across multiple methodological perspectives. Journal of Engineering Education, 106(3), 398-430. doi: 10.1002/jee.20170
Walther, J., Miller, S. E., & Sochacka, N. W. (2017). A model of empathy in engineering as a core skill, practice orientation, and professional way of being. Journal of Engineering Education, 106(1), 123-148.
Lewis, R. and Knott, T. (2017, August). Understanding General Engineering Studentsâ Identification as Engineers. In:Â First-Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference. Daytona Beach: American Society for Engineering Education.
Lewis, R., & Knott, T. (2017, October). Major choice in first-year engineering program. In 2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) (pp. 1-3). IEEE.
Morelock, J. R. (2017). A systematic literature review of engineering identity: Definitions, factors, and interventions affecting development, and means of measurement. European Journal of Engineering Education, 1-23. doi:10.1080/03043797.2017.1287664
Morace, Ch., D. May, C. Terkowsky, O. Reynet (2017): âEffects of Globalisation on Higher Engineering Education in Germany â Current and Future Demandsâ; in European Journal of Engineering Education (EJEE), special issue entitled âEuropean Models of Engineering Education: Evolution and Challengesâ.
Adesope, O. O., Cavagnetto, A., Hunsu, N. J., Anguiano, C., & Lloyd, J. (2017). Comparative Effects of Computer-Based Concept Maps, Refutational Texts, and Expository Texts on Science Learning. Journal on Educational Computing Research, 55(1), 46-69. doi:10.1177/0735633116654163
May, D. (2017). Globally competent engineers: Internationalization of Engineering Education at the Example of Manufacturing Technology (Dissertation). Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
Morace, C., May, D., Terkowsky, C., & Reynet, O. (2017). Effects of globalization on higher engineering education in Germanyâcurrent and future demands. European Journal of Engineering Education, 42(2), 142-155.
Hunsu, N. J., Adesope, O., & Van Wie, B. J. (2017). Engendering situational interest through innovative instruction in an engineering classroom: what really mattered? Instructional Science, 45(6), 789-804.
Terkowsky, C., Haertel, T., Ortelt, T., Radtke, M., May, D., & Tekkaya, A. E. (2016). Creating a Place to Bore Or a Place to Explore? Investigating Possibilities to Foster Students' Creativity in the Manufacturing Engineering Lab. The International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving, 26(2), 23-46.
Walther, J., Sochacka, N. W., & Pawley, A. L. (2016). Data sharing in interpretive engineering education research: Challenges and opportunities from a research quality perspective. Advances in Engineering Education, 5(2), 1-16.
Terkowsky, C., T. Haertel, T. R. Ortelt, M. Radtke, D. May, A. Erman Tekkaya (2016): âCreating a Place to Bore Or a Place to Explore? Detecting Possibilities to Foster Studentsâ Creativity in the Manufacturing Engineering Labâ; in T. Haertel & C. Terkowsky (Guest Eds.), International Journal of Creativity & Problem Solving (IJCPS), Special Issue â Creativity in Engineering Education. The Korean Association for Thinking Development, Vol 26, No 2, October 2016, pp. 23-45. ISSN 2289-0408
Sochacka, N. W., Guyotte, K. W., & Walther, J. (2016). Learning together: A collaborative autoethnographic exploration of STEAM (STEM + the arts) education. Journal of Engineering Education, 105(1), 15-42. doi: 10.1002/jee.20112
Hunsu, N. J., Adesope, O., & Bayly, D. J. (2016). A meta-analysis of the effects of audience response systems (clicker-based technologies) on cognition and affect. Computers and Education, 94, 102-119. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2015.11.013
May, D., E. Tekkaya (2016): âTransnational connected learning and experimentation â Using live online classes and remote labs for preparing international engineering students for an international working worldâ; In: International Journal for Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP); IAOE; Vienna; Vol. 6 No. 1; pp. 18-28
Guyotte, K. W. & Sochacka, N. W. (2016). Is this research? Productive Tensions in Living the (Collaborative) Autoethnographic Process. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 15(1), 1-11.
Terkowsky, C., May, D., Haertel, T., & Pleul, C. (2016). Integrating Remote Labs into Personal Learning EnvironmentsâExperiential Learning with Tele-Operated Experiments and E-Portfolios. In Engineering Education 4.0 (pp. 213-228). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
May D., C. Terkowsky, T. R. Ortelt, A. E. Tekkaya (2016). The Evaluation of Remote Laboratories - Development and application of a holistic model for the evaluation of online remote laboratories in manufacturing technology education. In proceedings of 13th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV 2016); UNED; Madrid, Spain; February 24th-26th, 2016; pp. 127-136
May, D., Ossenberg (2015): âOrganizing, performing and presenting scientific work in engineering education with the help of mobile devicesâ; In: International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM); IAOE; Vienna; Vol 9, No 4; pp. 56-63
Hunsu, N. J., Abdul, B., Van Wie, B. J., Adesope, O., & Brown, G. R. (2015). Exploring Studentsâ Perceptions of an Innovative Active Learning Paradigm in a Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer Course. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION, 31(5), 1200-1213.
Hunsu, N. J. (2015). Issues in transitioning from the traditional blue-book to computer-based writing assessment. Computers and Composition, 35, 41-51. doi:10.1016/j.compcom.2015.01.006
Guyotte, K., Sochacka, N. W., Costantino, T., Kellam, N. N., & Walther, J. (2015). Collaborative creativity in steam: Narratives of art education studentsâ experiences in transdisciplinary spaces. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 16(15).
May, D., K. Wold & St. Moore (2014); âUsing interactive online role-playing simulations to develop global competency and to prepare engineering students for a globalised worldâ; in European Journal of Engineering Education; Taylor & Francis; DOI:10.1080/03043797.2014.960511
Guyotte, K., Sochacka, N. W., Costantino, T., Walther, J., & Kellam, N. N. (2014). Steam as social practice: Cultivating creativity in transdisciplinary spaces. Art Education, 67(6), 12-19.
Walther, J. (2014). Understanding Fundamental Assumptions Underlying Interpretive Educational Research through the Lens of a Cultural âVerfremdungseffektâ. Journal of Engineering Education, 103(3), 450-462. doi: 10.1002/jee.20053.
Costantino, T., Guyotte, K., Kellam, N., & Walther, J. (2014). Seeing experiences of interdisciplinarity through student artwork: Exploring different approaches to analysis. International Review of Qualitative Research, 7(2), 217-235.
Terkowsky, C., T. Haertel, E. Bielski & D. May (2013): âCreativity@School: Mobile Learning Environments Involving Remote Labs and E-Portfolios. A Conceptual Framework to Foster the Inquiring Mind in Secondary STEM Educationâ; In Olga Dziabenko and Javier GarcĂa-ZubĂa (eds.): âIT Innovative Practices in Secondary Schools: Remote Experimentsâ; University of Deusto; Bilbao, Spain; pp. 255-280
Walther, J., Sochacka, N. W., & Kellam, N. N. (2013). Quality in Interpretive Engineering Education Research: Reflections on an Example Study. Journal of Engineering Education, 102(4), 626-659. doi: 10.1002/jee.20029
Terkowsky C., D. May, T. Haertel, C. Pleul (2013): âExperiential Learning with Remote Labs and E-Portfolios â Integrating tele-operated experiments into personal learning environmentsâ in âInternational Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE)â; IAOE; Vol.9 No. 1/2013; Wien (Ăsterreich); pp. 12-20
May, D., Terkowsky, T. Haertel & C. Pleul (2013): âBringing Remote Labs and Mobile Learning togetherâ; In: International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM). IAOE, Vienna, Vol 7, No 3 (2013), pp. 54-62
Mahler, R., Smolen, M.D., Borisova, T., Boellstorff, D.E., & Sochacka, N. W., (2013). The National Water Survey Needs Assessment Program. Journal of Natural Resources & Life Sciences Education, 42(1), 98-103.
Kellam, N., Walther, J., Costantino, T., & Cramond, B. (2013). Integrating the Engineering Curriculum through the Synthesis and Design Studio. Advances in Engineering Education, 3(3), 1- 33.
Borisova, T., Useche, P., Smolen, M.D., Boellstorff, D., Sochacka, N. W., & Calabria, N., (2013). Differences in Opinions about Surface Water Quality Issues in the Southern United States: Implications for Watershed Planning Process. Journal of Natural Resources & Life Sciences Education, 42(1), 104-113.
Boellstorff, D.E., Borisova, T., Smolen, M.D., Evans, J.M., Calabria, J, Adams, D.C., Sochacka, N. W., McFarland, M.L., & Mahler, R.L., (2013). Audience Preferences for Water Resource Information from Extension and Other Sources. Journal of Natural Resources & Life Sciences Education, 42(1), 123-130.
Moore, St., D. May, K. Wold (2012): âDeveloping Cultural Competency in Engineering through Transnational Distance Learningâ in R. Hogan (ed.); âTransnational Distance Learning and Building New Markets for Universitiesâ; IGI Global; Hershey (PA/USA); 2012; pp. 210-228
Moore, S., May, D., & Wold, K. (2012). Developing cultural competency in engineering through transnational distance learning. In R. Hogan (Ed.), Engineering Education 4.0 (pp. 210-228). Hershey: IGI Global.
Walther, J., Kellam, N., Sochacka, N. W., & Radcliffe, D. (2011). Engineering Competence? An Interpretive Investigation of Engineering Studentsâ Professional Formation. Journal of Engineering Education, 100(4).
Gattie, D. K., Kellam, N. N., Schramski, J. R., & Walther, J. (2011). Engineering Education as a Complex System. European Journal of Engineering Education, 36(6), 521-535. doi: 10.1080/03043797.2011.622038
Robertson, B. F., Walther, J., & Radcliffe, D. F. (2007). Creativity and the Use of CAD Tools: Lessons for Engineering Design Education from Industry. Journal of Mechanical Design, 129(7), 753-760.
Walther, J., & Radcliffe, D. (2007). The Competence Dilemma in Engineering Education: Moving Beyond Simple Graduate Attribute Mapping. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 13(1).